Hi kiddos. This whole staying home thing is hard, isn't it? Let's talk with each other! Talking can make things less scary and less lonesome! Use this blog to keep in touch with friends, to tell about your day, to share funny jokes and fun activities. After my answers, please add yours...........
I'll get you started with 3 questions: What's the hardest thing about staying home all the time? What do you miss the most about our class? What fun things are you doing (besides all that FUN schoolwork!)? Pape answers: I think the hardest thing is not being able to see the people I love - - my kids and other family and my "other kids" - aka you guys! I miss all the funny things you guys did and said. I miss Da's help when I couldn't thing of something Geography related! I miss our human calculators, Zach and Cooper! I miss Henry giving everyone his version of my directions! I miss Finn saying, "Wait, what?" I miss dancing, I even miss our "Smart" board! I am trying to find fun things to do each day. I read a LOT! I bake a LOT! I still walk and run most days. I facetime with Ben and Claire often. I am planning some landscaping for my yard.....right now, all we have is grass....no trees, no flowers, no bushes. I found a bunch of letters from my mom that I am re-reading! She has some great advice that I can use right now! It's like she caused me to find those! OK - - Your turn. Please write to each other. It will lighten your load and it will help others, too!